Dog Tips2017-03-16T22:13:38-07:00

Cleaning Your Dog’s Teeth

First and foremost, keep tooth-brushing sessions short and fun. Make your pet think of it like getting a treat. You need to make the process as pleasant as possible. Try not to restrain your pet too tightly. Brushing should be a bonding experience reinforced with praise and rewards. It should never be traumatic for you or your pet. You will

At Home Pet Exam

When performing your weekly at home pet exam, you want to take a systematic approach and do it the same way every time so you don’t miss anything and make sure you have good lighting. Face Both pupils should be the same size and the eyes should be clear, bright, and shiny. You should not see redness, discharge, or be

Fleas and Ticks

Flea-related diseases comprise more than 50% of all skin cases in certain areas of the country. Fortunately, common household fleas are easily controlled with preventative measures, and today there are a lot of great products out there to help prevent, kill, and control fleas.fleas and ticks. Because the length and severity of flea and tick season vary across the country

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