Lucy Pet Blogs2025-01-28T08:58:14-08:00


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Top 10 Dog Names

Are you thinking about adding a new addition to the family? Or are you looking for a new best friend? Well, whatever it is, picking out a new dog can be very stressful. Let


Spay or neuter your pet. Spaying or neutering your pet eliminates or reduces a wide variety of health problems that can be very difficult and expensive to treat, such as many types of cancer,

Where Do You Keep Your Cat’s Litter Box?

There are important things to keep in mind when finding a good location for your cat’s litter box. Many cats like their privacy, to have their box in a place with enough space to

Your Dog WANTS to Smell Good!

Some breeds of dogs have a sense of smell that is one hundred million times that of their human counterparts.  While this sense of smell is a useful skill for hunting, surviving, protecting themselves

City Living and Cats

Did you know that the pet of choice in the US is the cat and there are an estimated 85 million of them! Many city dwellers prefer a cat as their pet of choice due

Dog Breeds That LOVE The Water

Are you looking for a water-loving canine to add to your brood? Let's take a look at a few dogs that love the water and talk about what makes them a great pup for your

What’s Up With Those Cat Eyes!?

Do you ever look at your favorite feline and wonder why the pupils in their beautiful cat eyes are vertical slits instead of the round pupils we have as humans? Maybe you’ve wondered why large

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